
Xing Wu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Dr. Wu

Undergraduate Courses

  • CVEN 2370 Introduction to CAD and Surveying (Spring 2010 - present)
  • CVEN 2372 Mechanics of Solid (Spring 2018 - Spring 2021)
  • CVEN 3290 Engineering Probability and Statistics (Fall 2012 - Fall 2018)
  • CVEN 4320 Engineering Project Management (Spring 2014 - Spring 2017)
  • CVEN 4365 Introduction to Transportation Engineering (Fall 2012 - present)

Graduate Courses

  • CVEN 5301 Urban Traffic Analysis (Spring 2013)
  • CVEN 5320 Engineering Project Management (Fall 2018; Spring 2020; Summer Electives since 2021)
  • CVEN 5347 Statistical Principle in Engineering System (Fall 2012 - Fall 2015)
  • CVEN 5364 Transportation Engineering and Traffic Analysis (Fall 2012 - Fall 2015; Spring 2018 - present)
  • CVEN 5366 Travel Demand Analysis (Summer 2020)
  • CVEN 5370 GIS Application in Engineering (Fall 2017 - present) 
  • CVEN 5375 Risk Analysis and Decision Making in Engineering (Spring 2013 - Spring 2016)