Student Success

We want to make sure all of our engineering students achieve all of their academic, personal, and professional goals. Our faculty and staff advisors are here to help all of our students! Find the COE student services, along with campus resources available to you!

Freshman/Sophomore Advising

Undergraduate Advising Center

Freshmen (students with fewer than 30 credit hours) and sophomores (students who have earned between 30 and 59 college credit hours) are sorted into UAC metas based on career industries. 

Engineering students will be a part of the STEM meta-major in the UAC. 

Visit the UAC

Junior/Senior Advising

Juniors and seniors (students with 60+ hours) can find their academic advising resources within their college. Each department has faculty or staff advisors ready to help you prepare for graduation.

Contact your advisors at coeadvising@lamar.edu


Julio Delgado
Academic Advisor
Office: Cherry 1619
Phone: 409-880-7871


Cindy Lute
Academic Advisor Senior
Office: Cherry 1615
Phone: 409-880-6063 


Paula Dunigan
BSIT and Transfer Academic Advisor Senior
Email: acadadvisors@lamar.edu
Office: Cherry 1621
Phone: 409-880-7442

Advising Resources