About the College


To establish the College of Fine Arts and Communication as a first choice of tomorrow’s leaders and professionals in communication, deaf education and deaf studies, fine arts, and speech and hearing sciences.



The College of Fine Arts & Communication strives to create a supporting ecology that fosters student learning, career readiness, and cutting-edge scholarship. 

Goals, Objectives and Outcomes


The quality of truly being the best of something, excellence means greatness – the very best.


  1. Strategic enrollment growth eclipsing 20,000 students achieved by fall 2030 Achieve annual enrollment growth rates as follows:
    • College of Fine Arts & Communication overall enrollment 4.5% annual headcount enrollment growth
    • College of Fine Arts & Communication transfer enrollment 2.0% annual transfer enrollment growth
    • College of Fine Arts & Communication graduate enrollment 5.0% annual graduate headcount enrollment growth
    • College of Fine Arts & Communication undergraduate enrollment 3.5% annual undergraduate headcount enrollment growth



The achievement of desired goals, reflecting growth, development, improvement – not necessarily a destination but a journey that helps develop the resources needed to thrive.


  1. Pathways to success at ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University will be strengthened and developed.
    • Community college transfer
      • Create 4 new pathways per year for the College of Fine Arts & Communication
      • Each year connect with at least 50% of the community colleges that have pathways with the College of Fine Arts & Communication.
  2. Students will be more successful at ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University
    • Increase student success, as described by persistence, retention, and graduation rates.
      • The College of Fine Arts & Communication will strive to have a persistence rate higher than 2% above the average of the previous 3 year.
      • The College of Fine Arts & Communication will strive to have a retention rate higher than 2% above the average of the previous 3 year.



A level of enthusiasm and dedication achieved through relationships resulting in greater productivity and higher performance.


  1. Robust campus life and learning opportunities will be developed.
    • Increase the number of students, faculty, and staff who are aware of and attend campus activities.
      • The College of Fine Arts & Communication will increase the number of college, department, or campus events that the faculty and staff attend each year.
  2. Alumni connections will be strengthened.
    • Increase the number of alumni who are aware of and attend campus activities.
      • The College of Fine Arts & Communication will increase the number of alumni events by one event per year.
      • The College of Fine Arts & Communication will increase the attendance of alumni at campus activities by 10% per year.
Strategic Plan added 5/30/2024