3.7: Replacement Compensation/Compensatory Leave


Issued: 4/1/00

Revised: 1/01/07

1. Purpose: To provide guidelines for the compensation of staff employees who are:

1.1. exempt,

1.2 assigned temporary or interim duties generally are for no less than six (6) weeks and not more than six (6) months in duration, and

1.3 these duties shall be from a position of greater responsibility than their present assignment.

2. Definition: Replacement compensation is defined as remuneration or payment to regular employee who, in addition to his or her current job duties, is temporarily assigned duties of a higher responsibility as the result of a termination, resignation, or layoff. Temporary shall refer to an assignment of not less than six (6) weeks or more than six (6) months.

3. Conditions: The following conditions shall apply:

3.1 Lateral or Downward Job Duties. When additional temporary duties and responsibilities render a position unchanged, i.e., lateral or downward job tasks, no additional monetary compensation will be authorized.

3.2 Primary Job Retention. The employee receiving remuneration under this policy shall retain the primary job assignment in addition to the temporary or interim assignment.

3.3 Position Review. If at the end of the eight (8) month period, the vacant position has not been filled, the situation shall be reviewed for (a) continuation, (b) restructuring, (c) reclassification, if applicable.

4. Distribution: If replacement compensation is granted the amount shall be determined as follows:

4.1 The monetary compensation will be twenty-five (25) percent of the budgeted annual salary of the vacant position, but no less than $300 per month.

4.2 The total remuneration (primary salary plus replacement compensation) shall not exceed the salary of the vacant position.

4.3 If the duties and responsibilities of the vacant position are dispersed to more than one individual, the allowable compensation (25 percent of the budgeted annual salary of the vacant position, but no less than $300 per month) shall be divided proportionately among the employees sharing the job duties.

4.4 Compensation shall begin upon assumption of the duties of the higher-level position.

5. Policy Administration:

Interpretation of and issues arising under this policy shall be the responsibility of the Vice President of the represented area in conference with the Associate Vice President for Human Resources.