The College of Engineering is host to five Research Centers with projects funded by the State of Texas. The mission of each center is to enhance understanding and solve fundamental problems in its respective area.
Executive Director: Brian Williams, Ph.D, MSG (ret)
The Center for Resiliency supports research, community outreach, and teaching to expand the body of knowledge surrounding multi-disaster preparation, mitigation, and recovery from both natural and manmade events in the Gulf Coast region. Its vision is to be a networking center and data collaborative in all aspects of resiliency including infrastructure, socio-economic well-being, health, the environment, and universal design.
Assistant Director: Candance Tolbert
The CMMS supports students, faculty members, labs, and post-doctoral fellowships across ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University with an emphasis on applied research in the midstream industry. The Center faciliitates training for the midstream community by hosting events and seminars.
Director: Robert Dubois
CAPM implements a leading-edge port and marine terminal-related research program fully responsive to, and anticipatory of, industry needs and faculty capabilities. Interdisciplinary research projects are funded by the State of Texas.
Director: Dr. Clayton Jeffryes
CAWAQ promotes understanding of critical environmental issues and develops solutions for mitigating challenges in water and air quality faced by industries and the global community through research, educational programs, and outreach. Interdisciplinary research projects are funded by the State of Texas.
Director: Dr. Clayton Jeffryes
TARC and THWRC manage integrated research programs in two niche areas: (1) synthesize scientific and modeling data regarding Texas air quality to facilitate decision-making for policy makers, and (2) innovate the technologies for the mitigation and remediation of environmental dispersion of hazardous wastes.