
Dr. Alberto Marquez, P.E.
Associate Professor


Academic journal papers and book chapters

  • Varol, S, Marquez A. (2020). An empirical study on assessing brand loyalty in automobile industry using hidden Markov model. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. Vol 24, 1.
  • "Product Delivery and Simulation for Industry 4.0" in "Simulation for Industry 4.0. Past, Present, and Future".Cruz-Mejia O.; Marquez, A.; Monsreal-Barrera, M. 2019.  Gunal, Murat Editor. 1st Edition. Springer . ISBN 978-3-030-04137-3. (Book Chapter)
  • “Engineering Economics Jeopardy!” Mobile App for University Students, Journal of Engineering Economist.Weihang Zhu, Alberto Marquez, Julia Yoo, , Vol. 60, Issue 4, 2015, Pages: 291-306, DOI: 10.1080/0013791X.2015.1067343
  • Schulte C., Curry J.,  Zaloom V.,  Zhu W.,  Lou H.,  Marquez A., Environmental Engineering Science. Vol. 27. Num 7. 2010
  • Zhu, W., Curry, J., Marquez A., International journal of Production Research.Volume 48 (2010), 1035 - 1047 .
  • Caserta and A. Márquez, Computers and Operations Research Vol 36 (2008). Pp 811-822.
  • K. Cochran, A. Marquez. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 95 (2005) pp 139-149.
  • . Marquez, A. Cochran, K. Shunk D. International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 41 06/2003. 1181-1197
  • , M. Caserta, E. Quiñonez and A. Márquez, Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2008, 241-252.

Presentations and conference papers

  1. Marquez A, Zaloom, V. (2020) “Benefit estimations of port terminal infrastructure rehabilitation and construction project” IISE Annual Conference to be presented in New Orleans May-June 2020.
  2. Brake, Sehin, Wade, Valles, Marquez, Jimenez. (2020). Cross-cultural engineering skill development at an international summer boot camp. 127thASEE Annual Conference. June 21-24 2020.
  3. Bousaid, Z. & Marquez, A. (2017). Determining Inventories of Relief Supplies During Disaster Response Operations by Predicting Non Linear Human Behavior With A System Dynamics Model. INFORMS Annual Conference 2017, Houston, Texas.
  4. Mahale, S., Marquez, A., & Zhu, W. (2017). A client server framework for job-shop scheduling system to minimize tardiness and labor overtime costs under labor and machine constraints. INFORMS Annual Conference 2017, Houston, Texas.
  5. Marquez A, Zaloom, V. (2020) “Benefit estimations of port terminal infrastructure rehabilitation and construction project” IISE Annual Conference to be presented in New Orleans May-June 2020.
  6. Brake, Sehin, Wade, Valles, Marquez, Jimenez. (2020). Cross-cultural engineering skill development at an international summer boot camp. 127thASEE Annual Conference. June 21-24 2020.
  7. Bousaid, Z. & Marquez, A. (2017). Determining Inventories of Relief Supplies During Disaster Response Operations by Predicting Non Linear Human Behavior With A System Dynamics Model. INFORMS Annual Conference 2017, Houston, Texas.
  8. Mahale, S., Marquez, A., & Zhu, W. (2017). A client-server framework for a job-shop scheduling system to minimize tardiness and labor overtime costs under labor and machine constraints. INFORMS Annual Conference 2017, Houston, Texas.