1st Author
- Brown, K. & Washington, K. (Book Chapter Proposal Accepted, 2024). Revitalizing school climate: Equity-driven recovery through community assessment.
- Washington, K., Ross, S., Taylor, J. L. & Brown, K. (2024). Exploring work satisfaction of women in educational Leadership from a racial perspective during times of crisis. Tapestry: Journal of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Education, 2(1).
- Washington, K. (2024). Leading women: Grit, grace, and pearls (Creative Works/Poem). Journal of Texas Women School Executives, 9(1), 111.
- Taylor, J., Ross, S., Washington, K., & Brown, K. (2024). Igniting resilience during critical times: Reflections of women superintendents. School Leadership Review. 18(2), 2.
- Brown, K., & Washington, K. (2023). Equity During the Pandemic: Exploring Rural Women Superintendents Perceptions of Equity Leadership. Tapestry: Journal of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Education, 1(1).
- Washington, K., Brown, K., Taylor, J. L. & Ross, S. (2023). During critical times: The perceptions of women in educational leadership and work satisfaction. Journal of Texas Women School Executives. 8(1), 20-35.
- Wilson, K., Washington, K, Brown, K., Bellard, Q., & Thibodeaux, T., (2022) Parent perspectives of digital learning experiences: A phenomenological Study. School Leadership Review. 17(1), Article 6.
- Reed, D., Fontenot, C., Peltier Glaze, B., Hines, M. T., III, Hightower Parker, C., & Washington, K. (2022). Nobody knows the troubles I see: Perceptions of African American women professors regarding their lived experiences in the academy. In J. Butcher (Ed.), Black female leaders in academia: Eliminating the glass ceiling with efficacy, exuberance, and excellence. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Jacobs, L., Brown, K., Washington, K., O’Connor, J., & Lundin, M. (2022). Disrupting the school to prison pipeline: Using culturally responsive classroom practices to support Black students. School Leadership Review. 16(2), Article 7.
- Washington, K., Brown, K., Taylor, J. L. & Ross, S. (2022). Women superintendent’s perspectives: Leading during challenging times. Journal of Texas Women School Executives. 7(1), 16-28.
- Washington, K., (2021, April). Global education insights: Ideas and innovations that will have a lasting impact post-pandemic. School Rubric, 001, 7-8. 9cb2-4eb8-bb42-c92d43383248
- Brown, K., Washington, K., & Ross, S. (2021). The balance: Self- Care in a time of crisis. Journal of Texas Women School Executives, 6(1), 18-24.
- Taylor, J. L., Washington, K. (2021, Spring). During times of crisis: Meeting the social-emotional needs of teachers. TEPSA Leader, 34(2), 8-11.
- Washington, K., Brown, K., & O’Connor, J. (2020, Fall). ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University virtual community town hall: The world is marching...Now what? Impact Magazine. /education/impact/edld-articles-7.html
- Washington, K., Brown, K., & Ross, S. (2020, Fall). Leading through crisis: Relationship and trust factors. TEPSA Leader, 33(4), 6-11. relationship-and-trust-factors/
- Washington, K. (2020, March 4). So, you want to be a principal? TEPSA Blog. be-a-principal/
- Washington, K. (2020). 20/20 A clear vision: Keeping the vision alive. Journal of Texas Women School Executives, 5(1), 65-67.
Peer Reviewer
Division A - Administration/Division A - Section 1: Leadership for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 11 to Sunday, April 14, 2024.
- Black Women Educators: A Liberatory Framework
- Building Teacher Leadership Capacity Schools
- Challenges Faced by African American Women in Attaining Executive Leadership Positions at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study
- Creating a Sustainable Principalship: What crises reveal about the sources of principal support?
- Effects of principals' instructional leadership on teachers’ job performance: the mediating role of psychological capital
- School culture and organizational justice perceptions: The mediating role of distributed leadership
- Examination of Gender Disproportionalities in Principal Employment and Salary
- Examining Influence of Organizational Stressors and Principals’ Authentic Leadership on Teachers’ Psychological Well-being
- Facing Doubters, Mentoring Resilience: Documenting the Path to Leadership for Women of Color
- Culturally Responsive Leadership in the Anti-CRT Era: Navigating as Doctoral Students and Practitioners
Division A - Administration/Division A - Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 11 to Sunday, April 14, 2024.
- Advancing Active Learning in Educational Leadership Preparation: Using Data as a Catalyst of Change
- Black Women as Instructional Leaders: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- Cultivating Racial Diversity in School Leadership: Unraveling Teacher Professional Advancement
- Deconstructing Inequity and Racial Injustice in Servant Leadership for a Just and Inclusive Future
- Exploring Action Research as a Tool for Developing School Leaders
- Global Leadership in an Increasingly Decentralized World: Finding Pathways to Cultural Literacy and Humility
- Preparation Programs and Rhetoric Including Mental Health
- Preparing Culturally Reflective School Leaders
- Preparing Racially Equitable Leaders? A Critical Content Analysis of Leadership Preparation Frameworks
- “Start by Listening to Their Stories”: Storying the Ascent of Male School Leaders of Color Through Co-Autoethnography
- The Leadership Initiative for Language Learning: Experiences of Emerging World Language Teacher Leaders
SIG-Research on Women and Education for the 2025 AERA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado April 23 to Sunday, April 27, 2025.
- Baila Conmigo Dos: Mentoring Latinas in Academia
- Black women leader experiences: Remedies that Protect and Heal
- "Creating a Pipeline for Higher Education: Culturally Responsive Peer Mentoring for Black Girls and College Women."
- Leaving to Stay: Black Women Teachers, Postmodern Blackness, and Retention in Educational Research
- PHrienDs - Finding Connection, Purpose, and Collaboration within the PhD Journey
- Shining Light on Marginalized Leadership: The Radiance Project Narratives
- Thriving or Surviving: The Impact of Academic Leadership on Women’s Health and Wellbeing.
- Supporting Peer Mentorship for Doctoral Scholarly Development
- Descriptors: Ethnography, Mentoring, Graduate Education
- Research Method: Qualitative
- Visibilizing Research About the Educational Experiences of Black Women and Girls
- Descriptors: African American Education, Gender Studies, Equity
- Research Method: Qualitative
- Women in Educational Leadership: Understanding Stress, Emotional Labor, and Resilience in Unique Contexts
- Descriptors: Leadership Development, Learning from Experience, Women's Issues
- Research Method: Mixed Method
SIG-Research on Women and Education for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 11 to Sunday, April 14, 2024.
- Understanding the Burnout Experiences of Female Doctoral Candidates in China
- Voices of Black Female Teacher Leaders in Education
- You are Invited to a Masquerade: Academic Women in the Pandemic and Beyond
SIG-Research on Women and Education for the 2023 RWE 50th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada October 12-14, 2023.
- Women’s Perceptions of their Teaching Identity: Revisiting videos, letters, and images.
- Analysis of Superintendent Contract Negotiations for Underrepresented Minorities; The Leadership Pipeline
- Accessing Authenticity: A Case Study on Combatting Challenges Faced by Women of Color
- Applying Culturally Responsive Strategies to Build Equitable Classrooms for Transnational Families
- The Pathways of Minoritized Women* Senior Leaders in P-20 Education in Philadelphia and New Orleans
"I just feel worn out”: Constraints to teacher agency throughout COVID-19" for
School Leadership Review (September, 2023).
The Ancestral Legacy and Daughters of Anna Julia Cooper: An Historical Ethnography of Black Women Teachers in the South.
Selma Greenberg Outstanding Dissertation Award. (January, 2023)
Making it Through the Maze.
Selma Greenberg Outstanding Dissertation Award. (December, 2022)
An Inquiry into the Embodied Experiences of Lactating Teachers
. Selma Greenberg Outstanding Dissertation Award. (December, 2022)
Consciously moving from surviving to thriving.
Journal of Texas Women School Executives (December, 2021)
Felix, E. Empowering U: How to design your college experience. [Manuscript in preparation]
Alinea Learning, Boston, MA (October, 2021)
University-based principal preparation programs in Texas in 2019: Where is special education?
School Leadership Review (September, 2021)
Leadership through chaos and the demand for resiliency,
School Leadership Review (September, 2021)
Scholarly Presentations
- {Proposal Accepted} AERA Annual Meeting: Paper Session, SIG-Research on Women and Education: Resilience – A Remedy for Women Superintendents to Navigate Challenging Times. (April, 2025)
- AERA SIG-Research on Women and Education Virtual Conference. Paper Session: Lifting Others While We Climb: Candid Conversations Among Women Leaders Regarding Coaching and Mentoring. (October, 2024)
- International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL): Paper Session, Examining women in educational leadership and work satisfaction through a racial lens. (July, 2024)
- AERA Annual Meeting: Paper Session, SIG-School Effectiveness and School Improvement: Culturally responsive classroom practices for black children: Improving schools and disrupting the school to prison pipeline. (April, 2024)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) The 50th Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG, Annual Fall Conference, A Statistical Analysis: Examining Women in Educational Leadership and Work Satisfaction Through a Racial Lens During Critical Times, (September, 2023)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) The 50th Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG, Annual Fall Conference, The Perceptions of African American Women Professors Regarding Their Lived Experiences in Academia, (September, 2023)
- 100 Black Men of America, Inc. 37th Annual Conference: Role of the Collegiate 100 Advisor to the Success of a Collegiate 100 Chapter, (June, 2023)
- AERA Annual Meeting: Paper Session, SIG-Research on Women and Education: During Critical Times: The Perceptions of Women in Educational Leadership and Work Satisfaction (April, 2023)
- AERA Annual Meeting: Poster Session, Division C - Learning and Instruction/Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments: Parent Perspectives of Digital Learning: A Phenomenological Study (April, 2023)
- 7 Mindsets Leading for Well-Being and Hope: Strategies for K-12 Districts, Future Focused Schools Texas Summit. Keynote: S is for your superpower: Show up and sparkle! (March, 2023)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) The 49th Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG, Annual Fall Conference, The Perceptions of Women in Educational Leadership and Work Satisfaction. (December, 2022)
- AERA Annual Meeting: Roundtable Session, Research on the Superintendency SIG: Equity Concerns During the Pandemic: Rural Women Superintendents' Perspectives (April, 2022)
- Education Public Policy Leadership Certificate (EPPLC) Twitter Chat, Innovative Prospects: Policy, Advocacy and Change in Education during the COVID-19 Era (November 10, 2021)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) The 46th Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG, Annual Virtual Fall Conference, Equity During the Pandemic: Rural Women Superintendent's Perspectives (October 22-23, 2021)
- {Proposal Accepted} TCWSE 2025 Conference, Austin, Texas. You are your sister’s keeper: The power of mentorship for aspiring women leaders. (January, 2025)
- TCPEA Spring Webinar Series: The Balance Between Self-Care and Burnout During Critical Times. (March, 2024)
- TCWSE 2024 Conference, Austin, Texas. A statistical analysis: Examining women in educational leadership and work satisfaction through a racial lens during critical times. (January, 2024)
- Instructional Leadership Training, White Oak Middle School, Keynote: Show Up and Sparkle: Ignite Your Inner Brilliance (June, 2023)
- TEPSA Summer Conference: S is for your superpower: Show up and sparkle! (June, 2023)
- TASA Midwinter, TASA Higher Education Committee, Panelist, (January, 2023)
- TCWSE 2023 Conference, Austin, Texas, Presiding as president. (January, 2023)
- TCWSE 2023 Conference, Austin, Texas. During critical times: The perceptions of women in educational leadership and work satisfaction. (January, 2023)
- TEPSA Grow Conference: S is for your superpower: Show up and sparkle! (November, 2022)
- TCWSE Leadership YOU: Presiding as President, Flying like eagles and building up women leaders (June, 2022)
- TEPSA Summer Conference: Balancing the tightrope of self-care and burn out (June, 2022)
- TEPSA Summer Conference: Meeting the social-emotional needs of teachers during critical times (June, 2022)
- TEPSA Region 6 Spring Meeting, Presiding as President (March, 2022)
- TCWSE 2022 Conference, Austin, Texas The High Within the Eagles of Higher Education (January, 2022)
- TCWSE 2022 Conference, Austin, Texas Higher Ed Take it Away (January, 2022)
- Education Service Center, Region 6 Principal Network, TEPSA Updates and Give Yourself Permission: Self-Care for Principals (October, 2021)
- TEPSA Region 6 Fall Meeting, Networking and Legislative Updates, Presiding as President (October, 2021)
- TCWSE Conference, Round Rock, Texas Balancing the Tightrope Between Self-Care and Burn Out (June, 2021)
- TCWSE Conference, Round Rock, Research Study: Women Superintendent's Perspectives Leading During Challenging Times (June, 2021)
- TEPSA Summer Conference, Virtual, Give Yourself Permission: Taken Care of Yourself and Your Team (June 22, 2021)
- TEPSA Summer Conference, Virtual, Which Comes First Relationships or Trust, (June 12-July 2, 2021)
- TEPSA Summer Conference, Virtual, Balancing the Tightrope of Self-Care, (June 12-July 2, 2021)
- TEPSA Region 17 Spring Meeting – Spring Will Come: Self Care, Culture and Climate (March, 2021)
- TEPSA Region 6 Spring Meeting Presiding as President (March, 2021)
- TEPSA Region 6 Fall Meeting Presiding as President (October, 2020)
- Todd Nesloney Podcast Honestly, #LetsTalk: Racism (from a Black perspective) (2020, September 3) https://
- TEPSA Moments of Inspiration from Dr. Kathryn Washington(April, 2020) https://
- TEPSA Summer Conference – Communication Regional Leadership (June, 2019)
- TCWSE Conference, Austin Hilton, Austin, Texas Newcomers Session (January, 2015 - 2020)
- Provost Kickoff: Diversity and Inclusion - Impacting ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University Panel (August, 2022)
- Greens Prairie Elementary Professional Development: Balancing the tightrope of self-care and burn out (August, 2022)
- 100 Black Men of Greater Beaumont Annual Awards and Scholarship Banquet, Keynote Speaker. Mentoring: The Butterfly Effect. (April, 2022)
- Education Day Program sponsored by the Baptist Minister’s Union of Beaumont and Vicinity and the Ministerial Brotherhood Alliance. Collegiate 100 of ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University (January, 2022)
- ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ University Community Virtual Town Hall: The World is Marching Now What– Crucial Conversation Breakout Session (June, 2020) https://