
Minor in Computer Science

Required courses for the minor in computer science are:

1. with a grade "B" or above: 
  - COSC 1336 Principles of Computer Science I 
  - COSC 1337 Principles of Computer Science II.

 2. with a grade "C" or above: 
  - COSC 2336 Data Structures, 
  - CPSC 4317 Computer Networks, 
  - CPSC 4340 Database Design, 
  - COSC 4302 Operating Systems, and 
  - CPSC 4360 Software Engineering

The total number of credit hours for this minor is 21.

Minor in Computer and Information Science

Required courses for the minor in computer information science are:

 1. With a grade "B" or above: 
  - COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I, 
  - COSC 1337 Programming Fundamentals II,

 2. With a grade "C" or above: 
  - COSC 2336 Data Structures, 
  - CPSC 4317 Computer Networks, 
  - CPSC 4340 Database Design,
  - COSC 4302 Operating Systems, and 
  - CPSC 4330 Multimedia Processing

The total number of credit hours for this minor is 21.

Minor in Multimedia and Web Technology

Required courses for the minor in Multimedia and Web Technology are:

  - COSC 1381 Game Programming, 
  - COSC 2330 Web 2.0, 
  - COSC 3320 Web Design,
  - COSC 3323 Fundamentals of Digital Media, 
  - COSC 4320 Advanced Web Design, and 
  - COSC 4332 Programming Mobile Devices.

The minimum required grade is "C" or above and the total number of credit hours for this minor is 18.