
LU professor secures funding to study flooding problems in Southeast Texas

Qin Qian, associate professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering has recently received funding for two research grants to address regional flooding.

Qian submitted both grant proposals as a co-primary investigator and received funding as part of a grant with University of Texas Arlington.

One grant from the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was awarded for a project to assess the flooding risk of water infrastructures under a changing climate and to develop plans to retrofit, upgrade or relocate them to lower their risk profile.

The second grant from the Texas General Land Office was awarded for a comprehensive study to help communities examine their flooding risk using up-to-date precipitation frequency estimates and to determine the most cost-effective measures to implement a plan that will address both the storm-water runoff and downstream water quality issues arising from it.

Qian’s projects are intended to benefit the local region. “We are focused on flooding mitigation to help the Southeast Texas community assess our exposure to flooding risk,” she said.