The Bones Poems

The Bluebonnet Sutras by Laurence Musgrove

by William Virgil Davis

The writing in this remarkable collection makes such masterful use of bones as metaphor that the book reads as much like a single long poem as it does a bringing together of individual lyrics. Open the book anywhere and enjoy a small gem of poetry, or read the whole book - even in a single sitting - and enjoy a moving and brilliant long poem.

Order from any bookstore, local or online. This title is also available from of Galveston, Texas. 

About the Author


William Virgil Davis is an American poet. He was born in Ohio in 1940 and studied at Ohio University. He has lived and taught in Austria, Denmark, and Wales for extended periods of time. He has published poems in Poetry, The Nation, The Hudson Review, The Georgia Review, The Hopkins Review, The Gettysburg Review, The New Criterion, The Sewanee Review, The Atlantic Monthly, Denver Quarterly, and Shenandoah, among others. Davis has also published several books of literary criticism, as well as critical essays in numerous periodicals. He is Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence at Baylor University.