Geosi Interviews Fifty Writers World Wide

Geosi Interviews Fifty Writers World Wide

by Geosi Gyasi

Gyasi, a talented writer from Asamankese, Ghana, assembled 50 of the more than 300 interviews he has conducted with writers from around the world. Some of these writers are quite well known—including a Nobel Laureate—and all are talented, publishing writers. Geosi has these writers telling of their writing, the way they write, why, how, and much more. This is a collection of interviews of interest to anyone wanting to know more about individual writers as well as readers who enjoy learning about the personalities of literary artists.

Order from any bookstore, local or online. This title is also available from of Galveston, Texas. 

About the Author


Geosi Gyasi, a resident of Asamankese, Ghana, is a poet and book blogger who has interviewed over 300 writers and poets across the world. His writing has appeared in The Galway Review, Indiana Voice Journal, Eunoia Review, The Literary Nest, and Juked. He is the winner of the 2015 Ake/Air France Prize for Prose. His blog is https://geosireads.wordpress.com