Blood Tells

blood tells cover

by Gerald Duff

Blood Tells aims to show the shadows and lights in one family's coming to this land in defeat, fighting over centuries to make a new life here, suffering wrong and bloody choices and yet at times engaging in truly courageous struggle in the new land. It is the essential American story.

From the battlefield of Culloden in Scotland to the eternally disputed mountains and plains of Afghanistan, Blood Tells reveals one family's defeat and triumph in the battles of the new land of America. The story neither celebrates nor denies struggle. It records and details the life of one family as it is engraved in blood and stone. 

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About the Author


Gerald Duff, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters and the Texas Literary Hall of Fame, has published novels and short story collections that have been featured in Atlantic MonthlyEntertainment WeeklyWashington PostThe NationPloughsharesKenyon ReviewSewanee ReviewSouthwest ReviewGeorgia Review, and other publications. Among his awards are those from the Philosophical Society of Texas, Spur Awards, and Independent Publishers.