December 3, 2020

Thursday, 12/03/2020
Submitted By:
Johnny Jarrell

December 3, 2020 @ 3pm


Johnny Jarrell called the meeting to order.

A recommendation for taking minutes was proposed using the caption service of the Teams Meeting service.

Objectives were presented.

Daniel Brown said “The need for the assessment of faculty perceptions of the digital learning environment was discussed at a recent meeting with vice presidents. I will provide greater detail in writing.”

Sujing Wang sent an email of a faculty assessment she had received.

Objects were approved but further exploration needed to make sure no duplication of efforts concerning faculty technology needs and satisfaction.

Synchronous meeting technologies, proctoring solutions and upcoming Blackboard changes were discussed.

The committee discussed forming subcommittees to look more into meeting and proctoring solutions and learning technology needs at the next meeting.

A poll would be sent out after the winter break to find the best time to meet during the spring semester.

Meeting adjourned.