M.S. Applied Psychology

Fall 2021

Degree: Master of Science
Major: Applied Psychology
Concentration: Community Psychology

Required Courses for Major

PSYC 5120 (2 Hours) - Professional Orientation
PSYC 5300 - Advanced General Psychology I
PSYC 5301 - Advanced General Psychology II
PSYC 5302 - Experimental Design
PSYC 5310 - Intellectual Assessment
PSYC 5311 - Introduction to Psychotherapy
PSYC 5312 - Personality Assessment
PSYC 5313 - Advanced Psychotherapy
PSYC 5320 - Psychological Measurement
PSYC 5323 - Advanced Experimental Psychology
PSYC 5330 - Practicum I
PSYC 5331 - Practicum II
PSYC 5350 - Multivariate Research Techniques
PSYC 5390 - Thesis
PSYC 5391 - Thesis

Elective Courses

PSYC 5321 - Advanced Industrial Psychology
PSYC 5322 - Advanced Industrial Psychology II
PSYC 5140 - Special Topics

Approved courses outside department.



Qualifying Exam required after 1st year coursework.

Leveling or Deficiency Courses (if required):

24 hours of undergraduate Psychology courses including statistics and Research Methods
