M.B.A. Accounting

Fall 2015

Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Business Administration
Concentration: Accounting

Required Courses for Major

*ACCT 5370, MGMT 5340, ECON 5370, FINC 5310, MKTG 5310, BUAL 5380, MGMT 5380, ECON 5380

*Students who have taken cost accounting or equivalent MUST substitute ACCT 5370 with one of the ACCT electives below. 

Elective Courses

ACCT 5300, ACCT 5310, ACCT 5320**, ACCT 5330, ACCT 5340, ACCT 5350, ACCT 5361, ACCT 5375, ACCT 5380

**ACCT 5320 does not count toward an upper level ACCT course for CPA exam requirements.

Choose 1 of the following BULW: BULW 5340***, BULW 5330, BULW 5360

***The TSBPA requires BULW 5340 or equivalent to sit for the CPA exam

Students that would like to complete the dual MSA/MBS will need 12 additional hours of ACCT. See ACCT department. 


Leveling or Deficiency Courses (if required):

ECON 5200 or ECON 1301 or ECON 2301 & ECON 2302, BULW 5200 or BULW 3310, BUAL 5200 or BUAL 3310, MGMT 5210 or MGMT 3310, MGMT 5220 or MGMT 3320, ACCT 5200, BCOM 5200 or BCOM 3350, MKTG 5200 or MKTG 3310, FINC 5200 or FINC 3310

Prerequisites courses for non-accounting business majors: ACCT 2301, ACCT 3370, ACCT 3310, ACCT 3320, ACCT 3380, ACCT 4300


36-54 hours (depending on leveling courses needed)