Master of Engineering

Fall 2014

Degree: Master of Engineering
Major: Engineering
Concentration: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineering

Required Courses for Major

Complete 1 "core" course from each of the 3 categories below for a total of 9 hours:

1. Mathematics/Statistics

CHEN 6348 Advanced Chemical Engineering Math
CVEN 5347 Statistical Principle in Engineering Systems
ELEN 5346 Digital Signal Processing
INEN 5320 Statistical Decision Making for Engineers
MEEN 5304 Advanced Engineering Analysis

2. Optimization/Management

ENGR 5301-05 Sp. Topics: Optimization of Chemical Processes
CVEN 6388 Comp. Mtds. of Engr. Project Management
ENGR 5301-73 Special Topics: Stochastic Signal & Systems
INEN 5370 Operations Research
MEEN 5312 Optimization of Thermal/Mechanical Systems

3. Simulation/Control

CHEN 5352 Advanced Process Control
CVEN 5326 Hydrology and Hydrofynamic Processes
ELEN 5307 Computer Networks I
INEN 5375 Simulation of Industrial Systems
MEEN 5326 Control of Mechanical Systems

Elective Courses

Minimum of 27 semester hours* (9 courses) of electives. Additional core courses may satisfy part of this requirement.

* A graduate student who has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination or a graduate student who is a Professional Engineer registrered in the state of Texas (or registered in another state where requirements do not conflict with the provisions of the Texas Engineering Practice Act and are of a standard not lower than those specified in Section 12 of that Act) may satisfy course requirements by completing 24 semester hours of electives toward a total of 33 semester hours provided ENGR 6310 (Design Project) is included.


Must satisfactorily complete a final, comprehensive exam.
