Reaud Honors College Students continue the legacy of volunteering. A group of 10 Honors College student recently spent the weekend at the Southeast Texas Food Bank joining the assembly line to help make boxes
of food to be distributed to eight counties through the food bank’s Mobile Pantry Program.
“We chose the food bank because it is a great place for any student to volunteer," said Umera Ahmed, a senior psychology major and Reaud Honors College Service Committee co-chair. "They offer a variety of volunteering options, which is beneficial for the student. It is also close to our campus so it makes it easier for our students to attend. Honors college students love to volunteer because we love to help the community in every possible way. We encourage them to attend each and every volunteering opportunity we provide. It helps students become a more active part of the community.”
Big Red thanks to the following students for participating:
The following students participated:
Brody McBee
Nicole Lavergne
Hannah Abdullah
Umera Ahmed
Krystal Le
Erin Greeley
Amber Maredia
Josh Mallari
Nicholas Wade
Reuben Durham

“We chose the food bank because it is a great place for any student to volunteer," said Umera Ahmed, a senior psychology major and Reaud Honors College Service Committee co-chair. "They offer a variety of volunteering options, which is beneficial for the student. It is also close to our campus so it makes it easier for our students to attend. Honors college students love to volunteer because we love to help the community in every possible way. We encourage them to attend each and every volunteering opportunity we provide. It helps students become a more active part of the community.”
Big Red thanks to the following students for participating:
The following students participated:
Brody McBee
Nicole Lavergne
Hannah Abdullah
Umera Ahmed
Krystal Le
Erin Greeley
Amber Maredia
Josh Mallari
Nicholas Wade
Reuben Durham